About Us

Where and How it all started

In 2024 after returning home from an Operational Tour, I decided my time with His Majesty’s Armed Forces was coming to an end that I would like to pursuit a new career on Civi Street.

I’d gained many skills and experiences during my time serving (but with my time coming to an end) it was all about finding one that I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life, and would allow me more freedom. I’d become a Subject Matter Expert with Drones in the military and also used drones in my spare time when not at work to capture moments that I thought were.. well.. worth capturing.

So although applied in very different ways, I guess this was something I used for work that I also enjoyed doing my normal life. So the idea was born, “How could I make this my every day work?”

So here I am, Making it work. 

Hopefully we will work together soon and I haven’t bored you too much with this “About Us” Page.

Speak Soon,
